Solca és una partnership amb l'agència CSE Italia de Verona, i el seu objectiu és introduir el co-màrqueting i promocions a Espanya amb forts coneixements en els sectors: automòbil, ecologia i art. Capaços de desenvolupar projectes a Europa i Xina. Ara també a U.K.
Clicking here you’ll have the direct translation to English. It’s not perfect (through Google) but you will have an idea about my meanings and will be funniest!
In English How (not) to send to hell a multinational.
Take your time and enjoy it. Maybe during a pause in the airport or further in the plane.
Solca es una sociedad en partnership con la agencia CSE Italia de Verona, y su objetivo es introducir el co-marketing y promociones en España con fuertes conocimientos en los sectores: automóvil, ecología y arte. Capaces de desarrollar proyectos en Europa y China. Ahora también en el Reino Unido.
Solca è una partnership con l'agenzia di Verona CSE Italia, e il suo scopo è quello di introdurre il co-marketing e promozioni in Spagna con grande esperienza nei settori: automobilistico, ecologia e arte. In grado di sviluppare progetti in Europa e Cina. Adesso anche in U.K.
Solca is a company in partnership with the CSE agency from Verona Italy, and its aim is to introduce the co-marketing and promotions in Spain with strong knowledge in sectors: automotive, ecology and art. Able to develop projects in Europe and China. Now also in the UK.