Why Pop surrealism? I always liked comics. Starting from Tintin, Asteix, Michel Vaillant, Blueberry, Charlie Brown,Corto... And all the TV series. I’ve always been fascinated by how something dawned can become in movement.
From my last days in college art was something attract to me very much, Caravaggio and the venetian, moreover than Bruegel paintings were my favourites. Afterwards the colourful paintings from the Pop movement were the best: Warhol, Haring, Linchestein, Jasper Johns, Rosenquist or more recently Wesselmann.
My first approach to the paintings were the works of Erro from “the figuration narrative”or Combas. from “the figuration libre” movements in Europe. In fact my first important buy has been the Erro.
At that time, in a FIAC, I asked for a small original Warhol, that was in 2000 or 2001, they asked me 100.000€. I thought for a while to buy it, but I was not prepare to understand to have a such amount of money on a wall. I was also not prepare to understand the satisfaction to build a collection.
After a long period without buying I’ve been hit by Ron English, and from him started my curiosity by lowbrow or pop surrealism artist. Subscribing to Juxtapoz, was another wonderful way to known more from this movement.
From them I like the quality of the paintings, moreover than usually talk about politics or social issues. Therefore, Ausgang was my second choice, and others less politics concerned but with a high colourful attraction has been added to my collection. Specially Shag, for whom I had to “bid” twice in order to have one “full Shag”.
The Guernica remains impressive, and Ron English my favourite, but I also would like to add a big Shepard, but the transport was a problem.