It has not been my favourite, but it is becoming that. Now, their faces with a smile arrive to infiltrate the social arguments and lately paintings exclusively devoted to social arguments without the famous faces, such as the series on terrorism.
Prices today (beginning 2008) are unattainable, they come to ask for $ 160,000 for a painting by 25x25cm, we are on a stamp!
What was not purchased are no longer to buy. I will have to repeat many times when I am in front of proposals such as this.
As I say I did not like his faces, as I said, I thought were like the permanent smile of Berlusconi and his bald too, a similar exists you can not denied.
Finally with The Sanya collection I have the opportunity to have three Yue Minjun, a very distinctive, but lack a little smile more open, and two others of whom I have to find out its meaning.
I must say that the smile is really good; about the brushstrokes are very interesting and the more you move out smiling face you better. Hard to implement, taking into account that we can not under drawing, strokes are the ones who are, be wrong and that in a portrait like this mean to ruin everything, the smile that is not smile, the eyes are not eyes. ..