December 18th
Obama, Person of the year by Shepard Fairey.

December 1st
Auction week Hong Kong 1st December 2008
November 27th
The Hurun Report , which tracks wealthy Chinese, has published its 2008 list of the wealthiest artist by sales and price per square foot. Link.
October 21st
Artprice et la Fiac, sortent le rapport exclusif sur le marché de l'Art Contemporain 2007/2008. Link in Documents.
October 14th
Science/Damien Hirst tops the 2008 ArtReview Power 100
See the list in full here
Sotheby’s auction on October 4th-5th in Hong Kong
When I look at the results my first idea comes to me is “sell your collection and start another thing”.
September - Sunday Times
Does Damien Hirst's auction at Sotheby's mean the end of the gallery?
Next week, Damien Hirst becomes the first artist to sell brand-new work at auction. He says greed is good for artists
MOT Arts Shanghai
September 10th to October 9th
Art for the Masses
Design Republic, 5 on the Bund

July -
Artistic censorship in Chicago
The cancellation of an exhibit deemed too critical of Israel sacrifices artistic integrity for conservative politics.
We always critisize China, but censoring it’s not exclusive from them!
July 25th
Beijing-Bound Artwork Seized by Chinese Customs
Update about the 7 Chinese Museum at Dujiangyan in Sichuan: Today Yue Minjun images and concept.
July 08
a politic 2008: An exhibition interpreting notions of politics, being political, freedom of expression and exploring ‘a politic’ with
personal imagination and craft.
July 2-August 16, 2008 at Gallery XIV, 37 Thayer Street, Boston, MA.

The most expensive pissed ever: on July 2nd someone paid 109.547USD (69.692€) for a piss of Andy Warhol, 102x76cm at Sotheby’s London. My compliments to the owner.

A major exhibition featuring the works of Cai Guo-Qiang will be held at the National Art Museum in Beijing beginning during the Olympics, on Aug. 19 and running through September 2. The works shown will include some iconic art piece that were shown at the Guggenheim show in New York this year. The show has been designed by the Ministry of Culture as one of the key cultural spots during the Olympic games.
June 26th -July 27th
Art for the Masses - MOT Arts Taiwan
Incredible toys by greatest Chinese contemporary arists: Yue Minjun, Zhou Chunya, Liu Ye, Zhou Tiehai and Jin Nu
26 June—20 July 2008
May 21st 2008
We are Together! -- Beijing Poly 2008 Spring Charity Auction for Wenchuan Earthquake Culture 18/04/2008 - 06:02
JO: Deux artistes chinois renoncent à Paris
Deux célèbres artistes chinois ont renoncé à exposition prévue en juin dans une galerie parisienne. Wang Guangyi et Lu Hao protestent contre l'attitude des Français à l'égard des Jeux olympiques de Pékin. Le soutien de certains en France au boycott des JO "m'a mis en colère, nous avons donc pensé qu'à ce stade, participer à l'exposition ne serait pas heureux et nous y avons renoncé", a déclaré Wang, cité par le Beijing News.
Art Market Trends 2007
March, 31st 2008
Artprice publishes its exclusive art market report
The Guardian
Thursday March 13, 2008
Buy! Buy! Buy!
That’s why I bought Yao Yuzhong:
Friday March 14, 2008
Tibet in turmoil as riots grip capital
From The Times
January 28, 2008
‘Banksy’s ideas have the value of a joke’
The respect given to ‘street art’ is a measure of how puerile and idiotic contemporary art has become
Pero, ... ¿qué pasa con China, también en arte?
27 de Diciembre de 2007
Eight contemporary Chinese artists have been offered their own personal museums in Dujiangyan, in Sichuan Province: Zhang Xiaogang, Yue Minjun, Wang Guangyi, Zhang Peili, Zhou Chunya, Wu Shanzhuan, Fang Lijun, He Duoling.
The New York Times
August 2007
Adidas "Gong Zhen" Sport in Art
In anticipation of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Adidas - official sponsor of the Games - is celebrating the dynamic relationship between sport and art. The exhibition, starting in Shanghai, will visit Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shenyang and Chengdu, amongst others, arriving in Beijing next summer for the 2008 Games, before then going to Hong Kong.
Around 70 leading contemporary artists from around the world are participating in the project. Alongside European artists including Swiss photographer Hans Gissinger, audio/video artists Addictive TV and French designers Electronic Shadow are celebrated Chinese painters Wang Guangyi, Tang Zhigang, the Luo Brothers, Yue Minjun, Kong Weimeng and Zhong Biao as well as renowned Japanese animator Takeo Hatai.